Old Forgotten Health Tips8520/

1. meridian therapyMeridian is a body tissue that controls the flow of blood power and life throughout the body to ensure the functioning of all parts. According to Huangdi Neijing (Yellow Emperor), they are the key to good life and health.The ancient people believed that to maintain the smooth flow of the meridians, stimulate, provide massage or do acupuncture to the Hegu, Neiguan and Zusanli acupuncture points were the most important, because they were connected to the head, heart and their respective organs.2. MacrobioticsAncient people believe that food and drinks can nourish the body, repair organ damage, prevent disease and help maintain longevity. They advocated the idea "Crops are the main food source, fruit for additives, domestic animals and poultry to add nutrients, and vegetables for supplements." They also see the importance of concocted herbs to bring balance.3. Live according to the seasonAncient wisdom was taken seriously. As the seasons change, so do all living things. So, ancient people believed that humans must eat and live according to the changing seasons. Fighting nature means fighting health.

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