Non-Surgical Treatment

When I study natural methods of treatment, I am increasingly aware of the importance of a natural way of life. Includes spiritual life, by studying a variety of spiritual tendencies, including studying natural medicine techniques.

I have also worked out how to solve problems using various techniques, including acupuncture meridians, acupressure meridians, organs and emotions, and how to get information directly from the brain, through a muscle test, on any health problem.

In the expriment and practicing the natural therapy of acupressure done to myself as well as to many people with different kinds of complaints and conditions, the results are very positive, especially in the treatment of Emotional problems, Comprehensive Behavior and Degenerative Problems. All show according to what is perceived that healing.
Acupressure is different from other massages. For example, on reflection massage only provide massage at some point. While acupressure reach 360 point. Can be exemplified in the treatment of certain diseases, acupressure performed massage at 12 points on the big toe. While the reflexology is only five points.

As in the treatment of cancer, acupressure massage is done to stimulate energy that will be able to directly cause heat effects propagate to the brain through various tissue cells in the body.

The heat energy generated from the acupressure massage makes the harmful cells in the tissues of the body instantaneously stop its development and then die. Thus, people with cancer will soon recover.
Diseases that can be cured by treatment of acupressure methods, including breast cancer, uterine cancer, cervical cancer, blood, prostate, liver and others. The diseases I have treated are treating cancer, tumors, and calcification. However, confirmed treatment should not be given to cancer that has been broken or has been in operation.

The length of recovery depends on the severity of the illness. If it is still in its early stages, it needs 15 treatments. For the third stage need 20-30 times, which each time 30 minutes therapy. In patients with thick feet, the time is extended to 60 minutes.

Treatment Gives Fresh And Excited Effects.

Treatment is given that treatment with Bio-Energy Transfer or also called Core Energy Transfer for 5 to 10 minutes. Although treatment in the form of massage that was done pain. But, once finished, the body feels fresh and vibrant. Acupressure treatment that many cancer patients choose in the search for healing, in addition to simple, without surgery, drugs, and the cost is relatively cheap.

In the process of still being a treatment or after treatment, the requirement that cancer patients must obey is to avoid foods containing preservatives. Among other things, canned food, sea food, domestic chicken, meat, salted fish, eggs, seasonings, cigarettes, durians, tapes and drinks using syrup.

In general, foods that should be consumed by cancer patients are fresh vegetables and fruits, tofu, tempe, carrot juice, boiled banana, boiled yam, boiled cassava, chicken, soy milk, sea fish especially mackerel fish, pomfret, and salmon.

Various Diseases Can Be Treated

In addition to cancer, Acupressure can also cure kidney disease, diabetes, high blood pressure, hepatitis, gout, coronary heart, hypotension, While the disease can not be cured, breast cancer has broken.

Free from Coronary Heart Attack

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