About acupuncture

Acupuncture, Acupuncture, Akkupunture, Acupuncture, or Acupuncture Treatment differs slightly among the ways that Chinese society treats ancient Chinese with today's therapies. In the past, ancient Chinese people used sharp stones, wood and bones as a therapeutic principle for pressing and piercing at certain parts. But now, these therapeutic tools are replaced in a more modern way that is the use of fine, sterilized, or disinfected jaurils. These needles are made from a variety of metal materials such as silver needles or silver needles, copper or copper needles, and gold needles.
Gold needle is the most expensive needle among fine needles. This needle is believed to power 100 times more than the silver needle. Qi power is the energy that moves our body. If this flow of energy is disrupted, then our bodies will feel pain.
In these fine needles, magnetic energy is available which is kasiat medicine against the needle. This gives a feeling like throbbing, numbness, weight, when the needles are stabbed at a certain point in the body. This sense we experience is known as 'Deqi' or 'Techi' and emits electrical currents through what is termed coleteral, channel, or meridian. In this case, any sense of pain or can be excreted through the power of Qi so on makes the patient heal and cure the disease.
Acupuncture treatment practitioners state that there are 365 main Acupuncture / Acupuncture or Acupuncture points and over 1000 special acupuncture points on the human body. Acupuncture points reflect a problem when something in our bodily organs manifests pain and swelling in a place far away from our organs. For example, diaphragmatic pain can cause pain in the shoulder end.
Acupuncture practitioners also assert most of the Acupuncture points of 12 major sets in which these points are combined through Meridian. The meridians of the 12 major meridians transport Qi from the start of, lungs, colon, stomach, lymph, heart, small intestine, bladder, kidney organ, gallbladder, san jiao and liver. At the same time, the number of Acupuncture points on the meridians is different. For example the heart meridians have nine dots and the bladder meridians have 67 do

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