Meridian Shao Yang Tangan San Ciao

The San Ciao meridian journey starts from the ring finger of the hand, up to the back of the hand, continuing to reach the shoulders, collarbone and branched into two. A branch to the neck passes behind the ear, cheeks and ends at the end of the outer brow. While others cross the chest until Heart, continue to penetrate three body spaces.
Number of Dots: 23 pairs
Couple Organs: Pericardium
Element: Fire
Panca Indra: Tongue
Hours Organ: 21.00 - 23.00
Your Point: Cv5 (Se Men)
Su Point: Bl22 (San Ciao Su)

General Indicators Meridian San Ciao:

Overcoming the fluid disorder
Overcoming body temperature disturbances
Overcoming eye disorders, ears, head and neck
Overcoming hand disruption

Meridian deformity San Ciao:

Ear beeps, dry throat and pain
Eye angle pain, pain along meridiaan path and difficult to move.

The Meridian Points of Sao Yang Hand of San Ciao
1) SJ1: Guanchong / Kuan Cung

Cin point
Nature: can remove heat in internal organs
2) SJ2: Yemen / Yin Meng

The point yung
Nature: Reduce heat
3) SJ3: Zhongzhu / Cung Cu

Su Point and Tonification
Properties: Eliminate heat and launch Ci meridian
4) SJ4: Yangchi / Yang Ce

Yen Point
Indication: for diseases abnormalities in the womb
5) SJ5: Waiguan / Wai Kuan

Luo Point
The Wei Yang's special meridian point
6) SJ6: Zhigou / Ce Keu

Hand Away Point, for the location of the disease at the waist and in the ribs.
Nature: Eliminates heat at San Ciao
7) SJ7: Huizhong / Hui Cung

Point Xi
8) SJ8: Sanyangluo / San Yang Luo

The point of meeting three Meridian Hands
9) SJ9: Sidu / Se Tu
10) SJ10: Tianjing / Tien Cing

Point He and Sedation
Special for memory disorders
11) SJ11: Qinlengyuan / Cing Leng yen
12) SJ12: Xiaoluo / Siao Lo
13) SJ13: Naohui / Nao Hui
14) SJ14: Jianliao / Cien Liao
15) SJ15: Tianliao / Tien Liao
16) SJ16: Tianyou / Tien I
17) SJ17: Yifeng / I Fung

San Ciao meridian meeting point with Gallbladder
18) SJ18: Chimai / Ce Mai
19) SJ19: Luxin / Li Si
20) SJ20: Jiaosun / Ciao Sun

San Ciao meridian meeting point with Gallbladder
21) SJ21: Ermen / El Men
22) SJ23: Erhealio / Ho Liao
23) SJ23: Sizhukong / Ce Cung Kung / Se Cu Kung
sumber bacaan :
Ilmu Akupunktur RSCM
Pudji Hartanto, Seri Belajar Mandiri Terapi Holistik
Sim Kie Ji, Dasar Teori Akupunktur

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